Your Midjourney profile contains key information that helps your team members and collaborators identify and communicate with you. Adding profile information such as your name, job title, and contact details makes it easier to work together and ensures that your team knows how to reach you. This guide walks you through how to complete your profile information and customize your visibility settings.
What Profile Information Should You Add?
Basic InformationStart by entering your full name, job title, and organization. This information helps team members and clients recognize you and understand your role in the project.
Include a brief bio that outlines your expertise or areas of focus. This is especially helpful for new team members or external collaborators.
Contact DetailsAdd your preferred contact information, such as an email address or phone number. You can also include links to your professional social media profiles, such as LinkedIn, to give collaborators an additional way to connect with you.
A project manager might add their phone number and LinkedIn profile to facilitate communication with clients or stakeholders.
Customizing Profile Visibility
Public vs. Private ProfileMidjourney allows you to control who can see your profile information. In the “Privacy Settings” section, you can choose to make your profile public (visible to anyone on the platform) or restrict visibility to your team members.
Profile Privacy SettingsAdjust your privacy settings to limit the visibility of sensitive information. For example, you can choose to hide your contact details from users outside your organization while still displaying your job title and name.
Regularly review your privacy settings to ensure they align with your preferences, especially if you’re working on projects with external collaborators.
Completing your profile information on Midjourney makes collaboration easier and more efficient by ensuring that your team members can quickly identify and contact you. By customizing your profile visibility, you can control who has access to your personal information while maintaining professional transparency.
External Link:
For more on optimizing your professional profile, visit this guide to creating an effective online profile.